Lab News
Dr. Wei Dai joined Rutgers in January 2016
Melissa Banal and Eric Keller joined Dai lab on September 6, 2016 as research undergraduate students
Jui Wan Loh joined Dai lab on September 26, 2016 as a rotation graduate student
Fiha Abdulrahman joined Dai lab on September , 2016 as a research undergraduate student
Nikhita Nambiar and Uttara Hardihar joined Dai lab in Jan. 2016 as research undergraduate students. Welcome!
Dr. Xuyuan Kuang arrived at Rutgers as a visiting scholar and a member of the Dai lab in Feb. 2017.
A joint meeting between Dai lab and Falkowski lab was held in Protoemics on Feb. 23, 2017. We had a fun discussion on photosynthetic system structures in Diatom.
Leica GP plunger training on Mar. 23, 2017. Everybody is handier!
Dai group went bowling
June 1st, 2017 Jennifer Jiang joined the lab as a research undergraduate
June 26th, 2107 Laura Bernard joined the lab
Dai lab played laser tag
We celebrated Xuyuan's birthday on July 31st, 2017
Dai Group Photo - Oct 2017
Some things happened and then.... the website was updated in 2019!